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May 30, 2014




edizioni precedenti

edizioni precedenti
A. F. Lavagnino




art. 1
The Classical Orchestra of Alessandria with the support of Fondazione Live Piemonte dal Vivo and the cooperation of RTIMediaset and Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia in Roma, in memory of A.F. Lavagnino, has set up the 9th edition of the International Composition Contest “LAVAGNINO 2014”.

art. 2
The contest will take place in Gavi and Novi Ligure (AL) with preliminary selections and final evening of the prize-giving; the performance in a public concert of the winning compositions will be on Saturday 25th October 2014 at 21, within the 14th edition of the International Festival A. F. Lavagnino “Music and Cinema”..

art. 3
Composers of any age and country can take part in the competition.

art. 4
The juries verdict is final with no appeal; members are:
Luis Bacalov - President (Composer - Teacher of composition of Film Music at the Academy Chigiana of Siena, Oscar for the soundtrack of "Il postino", Prize Nino Rota, Nastro d'Argento, David di Donatello, Globo d'Oro, Prize BAFTA)
Franco Piersanti (Compositor - 3 David di Donatello, Premio Nino Rota, Ciak d’oro, Grolla d’oro, Nastro d’argento)
Luigi Giachino (Composer - Teacher at the “Nicolò Paganini” Conservatory of Genoa)
Paolo Paltrinieri (Responsible for musical productions Music Dep. RTI-Mediaset)
Federico Savina (Sound engineering professor at the Experimental Centre of Cinematography in Rome)
Marie-Pierre Duhamel Müller (Film critic, editor, translator of films and texts of film, member of the Selection Committee of the International Film Festival of Rome)
Angela Colombo (Pianist, Director of “Antonio Vivaldi” Conservatory of Alessandria)

Luciano Girardengo (Cellist - Artistic director of the contest)
The jury can also indicate, with a special mention, other candidate plays of particular value.

art. 5
The competitors will have to send their entry (by mail or electronic mail) with the following material: curriculum vitae, 2 recent photos, name, surname, place and date of birth, nationality, address, telephone and entrance fee of € 55,00 (fifty-five euros) to credit on the bank account 19305 Banca Popolare di Milano, Associazione Alexandria Classica (codice IBAN: IT75E0558410404000000019305) - BIC /SWIFT: BPMIITMMXXX) of the Alexandria Classica Association, within Saturday 2nd August 2014 to: Concorso Internazionale di Composizione “LAVAGNINO 2014” c/o Associazione Alexandria Classica, Via U. De Foro 4, 15121 Alessandria (ITALY),

art. 6
The competitors will have to realize the background music for a cinema sequence of about 4-5 minutes; there is a choice of three (chosen by the Direction Music RTI-Mediaset), which will be sent from the organization, from 4th August 2014 by e-mail or on DVD_Video on demand.
Competitors' works have to be received according to the following ways:
- on DVD video or CD-ROM (*.mpg, *.mov, *.wmv, *.avi, *.mp4), to: Concorso Internazionale di Composizione "LAVAGNINO 2012". c/o Associazione Alexandria Classica, Via U. De Foro 4, 15121 Alessandria (ITALY)
- or by e-mail (*.mov, *.wmv, *.mp4) to the address:
with online software for sending heavy files, as:
. wetransfer ( Max uploadable 2 GB
. jumbo mail ( Max uploadable 2 GB

The receiving deadline will be tuesday 9th October 2014.

art. 7
The works must be realized with the following possible instruments:
string quintet, a multi-instrumentalist (soprano sax/clarinet/accordeon), light soprano voice.
Composer have to send:
- a file audio-video (art. 6) with the complete work, played with acoustic or virtual instruments, synchronised with the chosen cinema sequence
- magnetic media (file AIFF, Wave) used for orchestral integration (VST), for special electronic effects or mixed technique.
- full clear and legible score undersigned, the magnetic media parts and the possible staccatos for an hypothetical correct live performance

art. 8
The winners will receive the following prizes:

Prize "LAVAGNINO 2012" consisting in:
- Plaque
- Diploma
- Education grant of € 1.300,00
- Engagement in the staff of compositors working for RTI-Mediaset musical productions
- Free access at CSC Lab 2015 (offered by Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia Scuola Nazionale di Cinema in Roma)

2nd prize consisting in:
plaque, diploma and education grant of € 800,00.

3rd prize consisting in:
plaque, diploma and education grant of € 600,00.

4th prize and 5th prize consisting in:
plaque and diploma.

The winners will be then pointed out to Festivals and Production Agencies.

art. 9
The entry to the contest involves the unreserved acceptance of these regulations.

art. 10
For any dispute bear witness to the Italian text and the case would fall within the jurisdiction of Alessandria courts.

Info: Tel. and Fax: ++39.0131.226202;
Cell. ++39 347.8006826; ++39 340.8194806

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