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July, 5, 2004


edition 2004:
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International Composition Contest
LAVAGNINO Giovani 2004


art. 1
The Musical Association Alexandria Classical, which promotes the musical activities of the Classical Orchestra of Alessandria with the support of the Piedmont Region, the Province of Alessandria and the Municipality of Gavi, in memory of the Maestro A.F. Lavagnino has set up the second edition of the International Contest "LAVAGNINO Giovani 2004".

art. 2
The contest will take place in Gavi from the 1st to the 5th of September 2004 within the 4th edition of the International Festival Angelo Francesco Lavagnino "Gavi Music and Cinema".

art. 3
Composers of any country can take part in the competition but they cannot be older than 40 years on the date of September, 17 , 2004.

art. 4
The juries verdict is final with no appeal, the jurie members are:
Peppe Vessicchio (composer - cinema and TV conductor)
Renato Serio (composer - cinema and TV conductor)
Federico Erminio (composer - headmaster of the Conservatory "A. Vivaldi" of Alessandria)
Luigi Giachino (composer - teacher of composition at the Conservatory "N. Paganini" of Genova)
Fred Ferrari (arranger)
Maurizio Pica (arranger)
Luciano Girardengo (cellist - artistic director of the contest)

art. 5
The competitors will have to realize background music for a cinema sequence of about 4 minutes, there is a choice of two which will be sent from the organization on VHS which have to be sent back within August, 23 (at the address mentioned in the art. 7) with a sample of your completed work synchronised with the chosen cinema sequence, together with the full score, undersigned and the possible staccatos must be legible.

art. 6
The works, which have not to be bound to a specific line up, must be for a maximum of 6 first violins, 5 second violins, 2 violas, 2 cellos, 1 double bass, 1 flute, 1 oboe, 1 horn, considering that the score must be pertinent and executable by the organic suggested.

art. 7
The competitors entries will have to be received to "Concorso Internazionale di Composizione "LAVAGNINO Giovani 2004". c/o Comune di Gavi via Mameli, 44 - 15066 Gavi (AL) and should include the following material:

curriculum vitae, 2 recent photos, name, surname, place and date of birth, nationality, address, telephone and entrance fee of (euro) 50,00 to credit on the bank account 1494/6 Cassa di Risparmio di Tortona Marconi, angolo via Merula, agenzia (agency) n. 1 of Alessandria (ABI code 6325 CAB code 10401) of the Alexandria Classica Association via U. De Foro, 4 - 15100 Alessandria

art. 8
The winners will receive the following prizes:

plaque, diploma and education grant of (euro) 1.300,00 and 2 performances in the course of the concert season 2004-2005 of the Classical Orchestra of Alessandria

2nd prize
offered by UNPLI Piemonte - Unione pro loco italiane
plaque, diploma and education grant of (euro) 800,00 and 1 performance in the course of the concert season 2003-2004 of the Classical Orchestra of Alessandria

3rd prize
offered by Orchestra Classica di Alessandria
plaque, diploma and education grant of (euro) 600,00

4th prize
plaque and diploma

5th prize
plaque and diploma

The winners will be then pointed out to Festivals and Production Agencies.
The prizes are after tax.

art. 9
The entry to the contest involves the unreserved acceptance of these regulations and the winners should give an undertaking to attend the prize giving and to perform in a public concert the winning compositions, which will take place on Sunday, September, 5, 2004

art. 10
For any dispute bear witness to the Italian text and the case would fall within the jurisdiction of Alessandria courts.

for information:
Orchestra Classica di Alessandria
Tel. 347.800.68.26 - 340.819.48.06 - 347.406.79.11
Fax 0143.322.937 - 0143.58.310
E-mail: -

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